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Understanding the american education system l,ll,lll,and lv

I.reading questions
No.1.(c) a qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher educantion.
      2.(b) a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject,typically leading to a qualification.
       3.(a) change
        4.(a) to show superiority

II.decide wheter these statement are (T) or (F).

III.provide brief answer to the fllowing questions
      No.1.the will earn an associate of arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or college
             2.literatur science the social scienc,the arts,history,and so forth.
              3.major is journalism,the will earn a bachelor of arts in journalism.
              4.bachelor's degree
               5.higer education

Iv.reading discution
No 1.the education in indonesia is diferent from the american in terms of structural,technological or system in indonesia school must be in accordance white the time or age.when we do not understan a sciece but pass the exam then he will graduated but if in the united states.and also to move to majors in.indonesia can not because it must repeat from the beginning.but in the united states it is not so american frees to develop its ability freely.and american becoms and advanced country among other countries.

    2.achievenments that want to accomplish this years is be an out standing student in the field of academic and non academik

      3.which can be repairde froum the indinesia sistemat at thish time is the books,the reasons is because the book made by many authors of low khuwalitas.

       4.because sosial science is our ability and also in social science we can know about society and surrounding and also social science learn how to behave interact,socualize,and opini wekl,so we become human quality


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R=ROSIANTI                     :F1261171011 A= AYU WERNA YANTI :F1261171033 H=HILDEGARDIS RIA    : BAHASA INGGRIS R:  Hi A:  Hi too R:  What is your name A:  My name is ayu werna yanti, usually called   ayu, I come from sekadau region, and your           name who R:  my name is rosianti usually called rosi, and i  come from subdistrict meliau sanggau district A:  oh so greetings know rosi R:  greetings back ayu, ayu what you feel hungry A:  yes rosi aq feel quite hungry, let's go to the cafeteria R:   let's leave ......... ouch how the tables are   already in full H:  hi ayu, come here yu still have empty table here A:  hi we'll be right there H:  what do you want to order what food? I've   ordered gado-gado, because I really like gado- gado A:  if so I want to order the food of the field,  because I really like the food of the Padang food. R:  and I want to order a chicken seuhah just  because I like spicy food A:  oh he you two hav


Nama saya ayu werna yanti Saya sangat suka jalan-jalan kepantai.unutuk persiapan jalan kita harus memperhatikan kondisi tubuh kita, dan kendaraan bermotor misalnya sebelum kita berangkat kita harus tahu motor kita di keadan yang bagus atau harus diperbaiki terlebih dahulu. Kami cek busi, ban, rantai, bensi, dan surat dan di pantai kita juga harus menyiapkan handuk, ganti baju, sampho, sikat gigi karena, dan uang karena saat kita selesai menikmati pantai kita mandi pantai tentunya kita. akan membersihkan diri di wc dan itu semua yang saya butuhkan .. saya suka pantai karena pantai menurut saya adalah tempat yang cocok untuk lepas landas semua diri kita yang letih kita bisa menikmati air lautnya yang indah, ombaknya menerjang dan banyak lagi. Pantai yang juga memiliki keindahan saat matahari terbenam di sana terasa udara bertiup sekuat membawa semua masalah yang ada di dalam diri kita. dan pada saat rileks untuk makan dan menyiapkan kamera makanan yang kita makamkan saat kita selesai ber

Tugas miss dini

My name is ayu werna yanti I am from sekadau now I live in sepakat 2 I have two sister my hobby singing I also have a penchat in collecting doll barby  I am the first child of there siblings I chose to continde study in fkip untan and its proper frodi ips because of the ideals of small want to become a techer and why my choice to frodi ips becaus I fancy social science yes from studying social sciense I feel more understand about social life,structur in socil and what norms to be obeyed in the life of society.I also like the calor of one of them is the color red,why do I like the red color 1.I think I am red is brave is a color that gives the spirit and red also one symbol of the color of the flag of indonesia I was born from a catholik family every sunday I do not want any activities outside because sunday is a day where our time we are cristian to praside te god when we come to a student I want to with the task that I right because I am here not only for the future,the n